In 2018, huge changes are taking place in the solar system — some of the biggest since 2010.
Saturn comes home to Capricorn — after a 28 year absence.
Chiron finally begins again in Aries — after a seemingly endless sojourn in Pisces’ watery depths (since 2010).
Uranus bursts into Taurus — after its startling transit through Aries since 2010.
Meanwhile, we need to consider Jupiter in Scorpio until November 2018, Pluto past the half way mark in Capricorn, and Neptune just over a third of the way through Pisces.
We will be workshopping these changes on January 6 in the Sutro Room. Christina Rodenbeck of The Oxford Astrologer and Israel Ajose of The Astrological Lodge of London will be leading the day. There will be a two lectures and we plan to look at as many personal charts as possible.
Please bring at least one copy of your natal chart to this event. If you don’t yet have it, go to where you can get a free chart. Please also bring your friends!
Early Bird tickets are available now for just under £40. Tickets on the day are £45.