
Wednesday, 23 November 2016

A Cosmic Day of Talks

We have invited FIVE speakers to Oxford for a full day of astrology in all its diversity and brilliance. We would like you to come and invite your friends, so please spread the word. We are charging a very keen rate in order to get as many people as possible to come and get a taste of different styles and approaches to our favourite subject.

Money Psychological supremo Israel Ajose takes a deep, dirty look at the parts of your chart that govern lucre, graft and success.

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Magician and horary artiste Louise Hutson demonstrates the ideas of Renaissance astrologer William Lilley.

What the @#%£@ is going on? Trump, Brexit… interesting times make gripping astrology. Blogger and astrology maven Christina Rodenbeck unpicks the knot of time.

Suffragettes and Sisterhood Academic and journalist Pamela Armstrong will bring along a sackful of charts and stories exploring feminism

Big, Big Cycles Master of historical research Anton D’Abreu reveals the golden rules for assessing transits.

January 7, 2017. 10am — 5pm

Sutro Room, 
Trinity College, 


Eventbrite - Not The Usual Suspects: A Cosmic Day of Back-to-Back Astrology Talks

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Great Darby Day

Darby was absolutely inspiring yesterday, leading us all on lunar tour that wound up teaching us something unexpected and exciting. I am sure everyone came away with something fresh to put into their astrological soup.

Thank you to everyone who came and I hope you will be able to make it to the show on January 7.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Ray Merriman: Timing the Financial Markets

The Oxford Astrology Group is pleased to announce that renowned financial astrologer and market timer Ray Merriman will be giving a workshop here at Trinity College, June 2-3, 2017.

Ray is probably the most widely read market timer working today. In 2013, he launched MMTA, the Merriman Market Timing Academy, a 2-year instructional program on integrating the principles of financial astrology, cycle’s analysis, trend analysis, and technical analysis for the purpose of becoming a financial market timer.

You will be able to attend our two-day workshop as a standalone event, or add it to credit for your MMTA certification. We are very keen to introduce Ray’s methodology to a British audience. (We may need some help, post-Brexit. ed.)

Tickets will be available soon. Places are limited, so watch this space.

More about Ray

Merriman is the President of The Merriman Market Analyst, Inc. and founder of the Merriman Market Timing Academy. He is a Commodities Trading Advisor (CTA), financial market analyst, and editor of the MMA Cycles Report, a monthly market advisory newsletter that specializes in stocks, interest rates, currencies, precious metals, crude oil and soybeans since 1982. He also writes a daily and weekly report for more active traders.

His introduction to financial markets began in 1978. Two years later, he became a student of Walter Bressert, legendary cycles’ analyst and owner of HAL commodities in Tucson, Arizona. Bressert was also a director of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Wayne, PA. Under Bressert’s tutelage, Merriman began his research in the correlation of planetary cycles to cycles in the Gold market, based on Walter’s methodology of cycles analysis, which resulted in the publication of “The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price Cycles,” in 1982. This was the first book to show a quantitative research correlation between cycles in a financial market to cycles in the cosmos.

Between 1982-1986, Merriman was a frequent guest contributor on the Financial News Network (FNN). He served as an Investment Executive with Prudential Securities (1986-87), E.F, Hutton (later Shearson Lehman Hutton, 1987-1990), before becoming an Accounts Vice-President of Retail Commodity Futures with Paine Webber (1990-1994). 


Merriman is also the author of several books on Financial Market Timing, including the series on The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (1997-2012); The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price Cycles (1982); The Sun, Moon, and Silver Market (2006); Solar/Lunar Correlations to Gold Price Reversals: Secrets of a Gold Trader (2015); and the annual Forecast Book (since 1976), which outlines his projections a year ahead of time for financial markets, the world economy, and political trends.

In addition, he also wrote two primers on financial market analysis. One, titled Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics, first published in 1994, is a classic primer on cycle studies. The other, titled “Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing, is a basic textbook on the relationship of geocosmic correlations to financial markets.

In 2013, he created MMTA, the Merriman Market Timing Academy, a two-year training course in Merriman’s market analysis and market timing methodology developed over the past 30 years. Students took 99 classes in this two-year period, plus several competency tests, and completed papers on seven major research projects identifying historical correlations between the analysis methods and historical performance. These courses are now available for on-line learning to new students via

At present, the original graduates, now known as Apprentices, are doing internship by analyzing international markets for a new market letter titled, “The MMTA International Cycles Report” (ICR). It is a monthly subscription report overseen by Merriman, starting in early 2015. These apprentices are being trained to become financial market analysts with a specialty in financial market timing, utilizing the MMA methodology.


In early 2013, Merriman was awarded the Gold Star by Market Timing Digest of Amsterdam, Netherlands as the “Best Market Timer of 2013." He was the only contestant (of twelve who were followed) to successfully identify all 15 major turning points in the U.S. stock market by their criteria. The second place finisher successfully identified 12. In 2014, Merriman received the Gold Star award again as "Best Market Timer of the Year" from Market Timing Digest, this time correctly identifying 20 of 21 reversal dates in the U.S stock market well ahead of time.

Merriman is also well studied in the field of Astrology. He is a Professional (Certified) Life Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PLMAFA since 1972), as well as through the ISAR, International Society of Astrological Research, Inc. (2000). In 1995, he was the recipient of the UAC Regulus Award for "Enhancing Astrology's Image as a Profession." In 2012, he received the UAC “Regulus Lifetime Achievement Award,” only the fourth person ever to receive this honor. He served as President of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) in 1995-2001 and 2003-2009, and again 2015-2017. His works are currently published in German, Italian, Dutch, French, Russian, Serbian, Czech Republic, Viet Nam, Japanese, and English.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Clare Martin on the Astrological Sun

An early 18th century Russian woodcut of the Zodiac. Wikimedia Commons.

Clare Martin, one of the most talented teachers of astrology that we know, is coming to Oxford on March 11. Hooray!

You may be familiar with her wonderful trilogy Mapping the Psyche — probably the most comprehensive overview of psychological astrology available.

We are especially pleased that she will be giving a workshop on the Sun — so often overlooked by astrologers, even though it’s the centre of the chart! We will be looking at how the Sun works in depth, so please bring your own chart, your full ego and all your vitality.

For tickets and more information, click here.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Darby Costello, Clare Martin and Ray Merriman

The Days of Creation - The Third Day (1875-76),
watercolour, gouache, gold - Edward Burne-Jones
The Group is collectively tremendously excited by the schedule we propose for the coming 12 months. We have some of the astrology world’s most respected speakers coming right here to Oxford.

Darby Costello is coming in November to talk about the Progressed Lunar Cycle. Please bring your own chart to this, and if you can your progressed chart too. Tickets are available here.

The redoubtable Clare Martin — unanimously chosen by the committee — will be talking about the Sun in March 2017. We love her magisterial book Mapping the Psyche, and Claire is an inspirational and hugely informative speaker.

In June 2017, Ray Merriman, probably the world’s top financial astrologer, will be coming here to run a weekend workshop. This will be appropriate not only for astrologers but also for financial traders. We’re expecting an unusual audience for this one — maybe even some non-astrologers. If you know any day traders or people who manage their own investments, do bring them along.

Finally — and not least — we are hosting a day on January 7 for new voices in the astrology world — put the date in your diary now. So far we have lined up, Louise Hutson (horary magic), Anton D’Abreu (historical cycles), and Christina Rodenbeck (TBA). We’re working on getting one or two more speakers for this day. Tickets will be available as soon as we’ve firmed up plans.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Circle this date

We will be hosting a mixed day of talks on January 7, 2017 at the Sutro Room in Trinity College.

The line up has yet to be confirmed but we are keen to hear some new voices.

Meanwhile, put the date in your diary and we will keep you posted.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Pre-Solstice Drink Up

Please join us at 

The Rose & Crown  

on North Parade for 

a Pre-Solstice drink up

from 7pm on Sunday, June 19.

Parking is good around Norham Gardens or Canterbury Road. 

Darby Costello Workshop

We are pleased and excited that astrology maven Darby Costello will be giving a one-day workshop here in Oxford on Saturday, November 12. 

The Progressed Moon: finding our way home 

with Darby Costello 

The progressed Moon reveals access to one of the most powerful dimensions of our human existence, and yet it has often been considered as simply one of several factors in predicting and timing events.  For those who live interior as well as exterior lives, the progressed Moon is a guide illuminating places of self-reflection and inner nourishment.  To find these places we often have to go through emotions that take us back to our early home lives.  

During this day, the nature of the progressed Moon, its cycle, placement, and relationship to transiting Saturn, will be discussed.

Darby Costello is renowned as a gifted speaker and teacher. She is a pillar of London’s Centre for Psychological Astrology, and she lectures throughout Europe and occasionally other parts of the world — Bali, Alaska…

Darby’s first love in astrology is doing charts and her worldwide clientele is the ground out of which her astrological inspiration is nourished.

Early bird tickets (£35) are available now. 

Eventbrite - Finding Our Way Home: The Progressed Moon

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Medical Astrology Workshop

The wonderful medical astrologer Jane Ridder Patrick will be in Sutton Coldfield on July 2, giving a one day workshop.

Highly recommended.

For details contact

Friday, 12 February 2016

Tomorrow's Agenda

Oxford Astrology Group – 13th February 2016
Sutro Room, Trinity College, Oxford
10.00 – 11.30 Teresa Moorey on Sex
11.30 - 11.45 Tea/Coffee break
11.45 – 13.15 John Etherington on Rock & Roll
13.15 – 14.15   Lunch
14.15 – 15.45 John Green on Drugs
15.45 – 16.00 Tea/Coffee break

16.00 – 17.00 Panel Discussion
Looking forward to seeing you there.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Our Friends To The North

Birmingham Astrology Group is hosting Andrew Morton for a one-day workshop.

Up-Close and Personal: the Inner Solar System*
Saturday 5th March, 2016 10.30 – 5.30

You are invited to join Andrew Morton for this one-day workshop. The day is split into 3 parts:
The Inner Solar System comprising of the Sun and the rocky interior bodies of; Mercury, Venus, Earth/Moon and Mars, defines much of our individuality in a horoscope.
In this workshop Andrew will closely examine the natures, rhythms and characteristics of these most personal of celestial bodies. He will unfold their cycles and discover how their particular positions and inter-relationships at that moment in time of our incarnation are represented, show potential and have meaning in our birth chart.
How faithful are we then to our essential selves?
A carvery lunch is available (please order in advance but pay on the day).

Registration and coffee is from 10.30 to start the workshop at 11:00am
For more information contact Gill Bryant at talktogillbryant @

About Andrew
Andrew is an astrologer from London. He practices astrology as a means of enriching the lives of those who are on the path to discovering their souls’ desires. His perspective is multi-disciplinary, encompassing symbolism, sacred geometry, mythology, astronomy and cutting-edge science – all of which serve to bring you into a greater resonance with your essential self. He has presented throughout the UK, Europe, US and Canada. It is the use of astrology as a sacred tool for self-knowledge and continuing personal growth that Andrew most values and passes on to his audiences.